Federation of Genealogical Societies 
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Irish SIG
Friday, August 9
Irish SIG  (Special Interest Group (SIG))
10:00 am
Zoom Meeting
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are held on Zoom. These small groups share resources and strategies for researching. This is a Members Only Benefit. Any member can join a group by sending an email and requesting to be put on the group list to receive a monthly Zoom invitation.
Irish SIG - meets on the second Friday at 10 am. 
  • All  SIGs meet on Zoom and will continue to do so.  
  • Links are emailed the day before a meeting.
  • Anyone who is a member of Solano County Genealogical Society is eligible to join.
  • To join, ask to be placed on the mailing list.
Members of this SIG will receive an invitation via email by the day prior to the event.
SolanoCGS Members can go to the Zoom Invitation Link page listed under the Members Only section and click on the  Zoom link for this meeting.

Writers' SIG
Monday, August 12
Writers' SIG  (Special Interest Group (SIG))
1:30 pm
in person meeting
Writers' SIG meets on the second Monday of the month in person (not on Zoom)
This is a Members Only Benefit.  Anyone who is a member of Solano County Genealogical Society is eligible to join this  group by sending an email requesting to be put on the group list to receive a monthly reminder invitation. 
The Writers’ Special Interest Group is for our members who are interested in writing stories about their family histories. They get together monthly to share their writing and give feedback about the writing of the others. Your type of writing can be historical narrative or historical fiction. The group is currently meeting on the second Monday of the month at the home of one of the members. If you would be interested in being of part of such a group, contact Jim Poff at jpoff@csbsju.edu

Google Tools
Wednesday, August 14
Google Tools  (Discussion Group)
10:00 am
Online Zoom Presentation
Our Solano County Genealogical Society’s August 14, 2024 Discussion Group Topic is “Google Tools”.
Google is more than a search engine and no researcher should overlook the many tools available for free that will be of use as they pursue their ancestors.

This roundtable discussion group will be a chance to learn about the tools available and hear how participants have used these Google tools in their research.
Few of us think of YouTube as a Google tool and it is! YouTube is the best and quickest way to answer many of our questions as we work.

Google Translate, Google Books, Google Scholar, Google Earth, Maps Google Images are among the additional tools available.

Discussions are informal groups gathered to exchange of learn new ideas about each topic.
Please join our roundtable discussion to also share your ideas and experiences.
Hopefully all your questions will be answered by our participants.
Our Solano County Genealogy Society members will receive a Zoom invite via email. They can also find the most current Zoom Invitation Link in the Members Only menu section.
Guests are welcome. Non-members should send an email request to  scgs@scgsca.org  no later than 4 pm the day prior to the event. 

German SIG
Monday, August 19
German SIG  (Special Interest Group (SIG))
2:00 pm
Zoom Meeting
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are held on Zoom. These small groups share resources and strategies for researching. This is a Members Only Benefit. Any member can join a group by sending an email and requesting to be put on the group list to receive a monthly Zoom invitation.
German SIG - meets on the third Monday at 2 pm 
  • All  SIGs meet on Zoom and will continue to do so.  
  • Links are emailed the day before a meeting.
  • Anyone who is a member of Solano County Genealogical Society is eligible to join.
  • To join, ask to be placed on the SIG mailing list.
Members of this SIG will receive an invitation via email by the day prior to the event.
SolanoCGS Members can go to the Zoom Invitation Link page listed under the Members Only section and click on the  Zoom link for this meeting.

Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, August 21
Board of Directors Meeting  (Board Meeting)
10:00 am
All SolanoCGS members are encouraged to attend our monthly board meetings on Zoom. Generally, board meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month starting at 10:00 am. Please email scgs@scgsca.org to request a Zoom invitation to the meeting.
The board is made up of volunteers. There are 11 Elected Board Members. They each serve a term of 2 years. Board candidates are usually sought out in August and September. Nominations close at the end of the October first Saturday Speaker Series meeting. Current board members elect new board members at the November board meeting.The terms start on January 1st.
Board members are responsible for making decisions involving our budget. event planning, our library, law, taxes, accounting, insurance, computer maintenance, website construction, property management and many other matters that may involve hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars.
Volunteering to serve on the Board is recognized as a commitment with responsibilities along with some inconveniences.
Generally, board meetings are held via Zoom on the third Wednesday of the month starting at 10:00 am.
 If a member wants an item to be placed on the agenda, they can contact our president or any board member no later than five (5) days prior to that months Board meeting.
All Solano County Genealogical Society members may attend all board meetings.

Brick Walls SIG
Monday, August 26
Brick Walls SIG  (Special Interest Group (SIG))
1:30 pm
Zoom Meeting
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are held on Zoom. These small groups share resources and strategies for researching. This is a Members Only Benefit. Any member can join a group by sending an email and requesting to be put on the group list to receive a monthly Zoom invitation.
Brick Walls SIG - meets on the fourth Monday at 1:30 pm. 
  • All  SIGs meet on Zoom and will continue to do so.  
  • Links are emailed the day before a meeting.
  • Anyone who is a member of Solano County Genealogical Society is eligible to join.
  • To join, ask to be placed on the SIG mailing list.
Members of this SIG will receive an invitation via email by the day prior to the event.
SolanoCGS Members can go to the Zoom Invitation Link page listed under the Members Only section and click on the  Zoom link for this meeting.

Sacramento Family Search Center Field Trip
Tuesday, September 10
Sacramento Family Search Center Field Trip  (Field Trip)
1:30 pm
Sacramento Family Search Cemter
Details will be released when plans are finalized.